Attend parent workshops designed to provide support and understanding of the educational process.
Attend program orientations and awards ceremonies.
Academic Year Services
Academic advising and guidance.
Assistance for juniors and seniors regarding college applications, financial aid, and preparation for the EPT/ELM and SAT/ACT college entrance examinations
Social, cultural, and educational field trips to northern/southern California and other exciting places.
Awards Ceremony where students' achievements are recognized.
College tours to four-year colleges and universities in California such as University of California-Los Angeles, Stanford University, University of California-Davis, California Polytechnic Institute, and St. Mary's College.
Summer Session Services
Six-week academic program at your high school and/or at the local college.
Online college classes.
Academic needs assessment and advising.
One-week collegiate residential experience at a four-year university.
Field trips and social/cultural/educational activities.