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UB4 Instructor Content

 As an instructor with our Upward Bound Programs, you will be required to fill out the forms below when requesting the following: copies, supplies and reimbursement. There are also forms to report incidents and submit Academy grades.

  • Copy Request- to request copies for classroom instruction
  • Supply Request- to request supplies for classroom instruction
  • Employee Reimbursement form- to request reimbursement for copies or supplies purchased for classroom instruction
  • Employee Reimbursement instructions-NOTE: Reimbursement for any and all food items requires specific approval. Please do not purchase any food items prior to obtaining the approval from Kerry Bourns, Director of Academic Services.
  • Incident Report-to refer behavioral issues/problems to appropriate staff

Please save completed forms as attachments and email to save completed forms as attachments and email to Please save completed forms as attachments and email to save completed forms as attachments and email to

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